JIS University JIS University

NPTEL is an acronym for National Programmed on Technology Enhanced Learning which is an initiative by the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). The JIS University Library provides guidance through proper channel to our users to enroll in various courses the users are interested in. The users can also access the MOOC platform from the library. The video lectures are also stored in the library as learning resource for later reference for everybody.

Online Journals

JIS University Library subscribes to various current e-journals for all students, research scholar and faculty member to keep them abreast with the current technological advancements, general knowledge, research and other areas of interest.

DELNET e-Journals IEEE(ASPP) e-Journals J-Gate e-Journals

JIS University subscribes to eBooks for students, research scholars, and faculty members to simplify and enhance the overall learning experience.

Wiley eBooks EBSCO eBooks
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